PHC Corporation and JCR Pharmaceuticals Developed and Launched Growject® Duo

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

PHC Corporation and JCR Pharmaceuticals have jointly introduced a new line of electric growth hormone injection devices known as the Growjector® series.

The collaboration between PHC IVD and JCR Pharma aims to address the diverse needs of individuals undergoing growth hormone therapy, ultimately enhancing patients' quality of life and contributing to the advancement of high-quality medical care.

The introduction of the Growjector® Duo marks an expansion of the existing Glowjector® product lineup. The original Growjector®, known for its comprehensive support functionalities, is well-suited for administering injections to young children. On the other hand, the Growjector® Duo model is specifically designed as a pen-type injector, aiming to provide a user-friendly experience, especially for older children.

The Growjector® series has been developed with a focus on user-friendliness, taking into account both the current treatment landscape and market demands. A notable addition to this series is the Growjector® Duo model, characterised by its straightforward design and ease of use. The device offers the convenience of automatic injections and also maintains a record of injection history.

The Growjector® series isn't only tailored for patients receiving injections themselves. It is also suitable for use by parents or caregivers who require a device with simple functions and operations.

By offering a diverse range of options, the Growjector® series enhances the possibilities for patients to undergo various treatment regimens, while also being conducive to long-term therapeutic plans.