
Email Marketing that Drives Results:

Click, Connect, Convert


AsianHHM specializes in crafting and delivering email campaign that directly address the unique needs and challenges of the clients. These emails encompass promotional deals, educational resources, industry updates, product enhancements, and valuable content.

Through AsianHHM's B2B email marketing initiative, enterprises can nurture leads, encourage conversions, and cultivate enduring customer allegiance. Our solution offers a cost-efficient and traceable marketing strategy, empowering clients to monitor open rates, click-through rates, and other pivotal metrics, ensuring campaign optimization for optimal outcomes.

Features & Capabilities

  • 120K Opt-in Subscribers
  • Supports all the popular Display devices.
  • Subscribers include a wide variety of designations to choose from.
  • Includes Referral Traffic, Lead Generation & Lead Verification/Vetting.
  • High reachability, Open Rates & CTRs.
  • Insightful Performance Analytics & Consultation.

Create Optimised Lead Magnets through,
Asian Hospital & Healthcare Management (AHHM) Email Marketing Program.

We Assure Optimal ROI on your Email Marketing Spend

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