Physicians in China

Furthering Digital Landscape

Diana Tan

Diana Tan

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Diana Tan leads the China team in providing evidence based insights and consultancy services for healthcare clients to grow their businesses. She helps healthcare clients to understand how doctors are responding to the new digital, multichannel environment in which they operate and how this environment will help them better treat their patients.

Adele Li

Adele Li

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As the primary business engagement Director for Kantar Health, Adele Li leads its business growth and development in China. She focuses primarily on utilizing innovative research methodology, developing unique syndicated offerings and managing a high quality research team to deliver industry leading services for pharmaceutical and medical device companies.

2016 study finds innovative channels account for more than 60 per cent of medical information acquired.

As traditional methods of targeting doctors become less effective and online usage within the healthcare community grows, it is becoming increasingly important for pharmaceutical stakeholders to understand exactly how doctors consume information and communicate digitally.

Digital Life Physician 2016, conducted by Kantar Health and DXY, reveals that innovative information channels—such as social media, online meetings, video conferences and mobile applications.—now account for more than 60 per cent of the medical information acquired by physicians in China. More than 10,000 respondents participated in the survey, now in its fourth year, from both web and mobile survey apps, covering more than 20 specialty areas (Figure 1 & 2).

Furthermore, 85 per cent of the physicians commented that they had responded positively to digital marketing activities or tools. Over half of the physicians also commented that they are receptive to receiving pharma-originated online meterials, but are more interested in impartial information such as case studies, medical updates and literature reviews (Figure 3).

"With each generation of our study it is becoming abundantly clear that physicians in China are rapidly adopting digital information channels as a primary means to consume information and communicate," said Diana Tan, General Manager of China at Kantar Health. "This deep and unique insight about how physicians are accessing and using digital resources presents opportunities for astute healthcare stakeholders, as marketers will benefit from deeper, more productive engagements that will ultimately improve patient care."